IV RedIF Congress 2022
Dear colleagues,
After two years of postponement due to the Covid19 pandemic, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the 4th in-person edition of the RedIF Congress, which will be held in Porto Alegre (Brazil).
The Scientific Committee of the RedIF Congress 2022 is designing a versatile program around the main theme Quantitative Science in Pharmacology & Pharmaceutics: Opportunities for Innovation in Latin America. This theme was chosen to highlight RedIF's objectives, which are focused on the promotion and advancement of pharmacometrics in Latin America. You can find more information about our vision, mission, and specific aims at our website www.redifar.org. We hope the Congress encourage scientific exchange, networking, and collaborative discovery.
The RedIF 2022 Congress will feature three keynote speakers, five seminars focusing on different topics with senior presentations, two student sessions, and three poster sessions. In addition, 2-day pre-meeting with four workshops will be offered including hands-on training in M&S software.
Viewing to provide the safest option for our participants, all the sanitary measures regarding SARS-CoV-2 transition will implemented according to the local protocols at that moment. These measures include the presentation of the full vaccination certificate for congress registration.
Keep updated with the RedIF 2022 Congress at this website. We are looking forward to welcoming you to Porto Alegre in October!
Organizing and Scientific Committees
IV RedIF Congress
8th floor of the Educational Building
1600, Nilo Peçanha Avenue
Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil
Organizing Committee
Teresa Dalla Costa (UFRGS, Brazil) – Coordinator
Andréa Diniz (UEM, Brazil)
Bibiana Verlindo de Araújo (UFRGS, Brazil)
Bruna Bernar Dias (PhD Student PPGCF/UFRGS, Brazil)
Eduardo Celia Palma (UNISINOS, Brazil)
Sandra Haas (UNIPAMPA, Brazil)
Scientific Committee
Manuel Ibarra (Udelar, Uruguay) – Coordinator
Elba Romero (UDG, Mexico)
Francine Azeredo (UF, USA)
Iñaki Trocóniz (UNAV, Spain)
Leyanis Rodríguez Vera (IFAL, Cuba)
Marcela Aragón (UNAL, Colômbia)
Marisín Pecchio (INDICASAT, Panama)
Teresa Dalla Costa (UFRGS, Brazil)
Communication Committee
Graziela de Araújo Lock (PhD Candidate PPGCF/UFRGS, Brazil)
Keli Jaqueline Staudt (PhD Student PPGCF/UFRGS, Brazil)
Laura Bem Olivo (Master Student PPGCF/UFRGS, Brazil)
Local Map
Informações: RedIF redifcongress2022@gmail.com